RO: Trebuie sa fim cinstiti si sa spunem din capul locului ca ne era dor atmosfera unui resort, de imensitatea lui, de prea mult, de 5 piscine, de spatii vaste de explorat, de vegetatie si de restaurante multiple.
EN: We have to keep it real and tell you from the get-go that we missed this resort’s vibe, its greatness, it’s 5 pools, vast property to explore, it’s greenery and multiple restaurants.
RO: Daca aterizezi pe aeroportul international din Phuket, atunci lucrurile sunt simpla ca “Buna ziua”. Ai optiunea sa fii ridicat direct de catre cei de la Hilton sau sa ajungi pe cont propriu cu taxiul. Ultima varianta te costa cam o ora si in jur de 1000 baht. Imensa proprietate se afla fix in centrul statiunii Karon, loc de congruenta pentru poporul rus, cu precadere mare iubitor al acestei zone 🙂 Esti doar la 15 minute distanta cu tuk-tuk-ul de neobositul Patong si la 5 minute de mers pe jos de plaja din Karon, daca te-ai plictisit de cele 5 piscine si toate facilitatile pe care cei de la Hilton ti le pun la dispozitie 🙂
EN: If you land on the Phuket international airport then things are easy breezy. You have the option of being picked up by the hotel staff or catch a cab on your own. The latter will cost you about an hour and 1000 baht. The huge property is at the very core of the Karon town-resort, a gathering spot for the Russians who are big fans of this area 🙂 You are only a 15-minute tuk-tuk ride away from the relentless Patong and a 5-minute walk away from the Karon beach if you get bored of the 5 pools and all the other amenities Hilton offers 🙂
RO: Noi am petrecut 3 nopti aici si n-am avut timp sa facem tot ce ne-am propus. Asa ca pentru tine, draga cititor si iubitor de Thailanda, asternem mai jos cateva highlighturi ale hotelului pe care sa le salvezi pentru data viitoare.
EN: We spent 3 nights here and didn’t have enough time to do everything we planned on doing. So for you, dear reader and lover of Thailand, we’ll write down some highlights of the hotel for you to save for next time.
RO: Ai 5 piscine la dispozitie iar daca ai venit cu copilul, atunci clar aici e de el. Tobogane, cascade, piscine interconectate, locuri special amenajate pentru cei mici. Ai inclusiv un loc unde ii poti lasa in grija staff-ului in timp ce tu poti explora alte facilitati ale hotelului.
EN: You have 5 pools at your disposal and if you’re traveling with a child, he definitely belongs. Slides, waterfalls, interconnected pools, special places for the little ones. You can even leave them in the staff’s care while you can explore other facilities of the hotel.
RO: Partea ce tine de SPA este obsolut minunata, un fel de mini hotel, amanajat cu vile destinate fiecarui tip de tratament in parte. Localizata in partea din spate a hotelului, intr-o laguna superba, tratamentele sunt pe cat de variate pe atat de sofisticate, intime si energizante. Evident, totul se invarte in jurul atentiei la detalii, nimic nu este lasat la voia intamplarii iar tratamentele, indiferent de tipul pe care il alegi, sunt personalizate si efectuate din cele mai bune ingrediente.
EN: The SPA portion is absolutely wonderful, some kind of mini-hotel with villas destined for each treatment. At the back of the hotel, there is a splendid lagoon, the treatments are very varied and sophisticated intimate and energizing. Obviously, everything revolves around their attention to detail, nothing is left in the hands of fate, and no matter which treatment you chose, they are personalized and done with the best of ingredients.
RO: Pentru iubitorii de sport, resortul pune la dispizitie o sala de fitness deschisa non-stop (pentru care trebuie sa ai incaltaminte adecvata), terenuri de squash (contra cost) sau tenis.
EN: For the sports lovers, the resort offers a gym open around the clock (for which you need appropriate shoes), squash (for additional cost) or tennis fields.
RO: Restaurantul SAILS este poate cel mai frecventat de oaspetii hotelului, odata pentru ca aici se poata lua micul dejun dar si pentru ca seara au diverse promotii si meniuri speciale de care poti beneficia.
EN: The Sails restaurant is probably the most attended by the hotel’s guests mainly because you can get breakfast here but also because in the evenings they have different discounts and special menus you can get.
RO: Cafe CINO este un restaurant mic, deschis pana la ora 9, pe care l-as recomanda pentru inghetata, brunch, sandwich-uri si salate.
EN: Cafe CINO is a small restaurant, open until 9 pm and I would recommend it for its ice cream, brunch, sandwiches, and salads.
RO: Evident Restaurantul Thai Thai iti sta la dispozitie pentru noptile in care simti ca vrei sa mananci o mancare sofisticata intr-un ambient pe masura.
EN: Obviously, the Thai Thai restaurant is at your service for the nights when you feel like eating a sophisticated meal in an appropriate setting.
RO: In principiu, sunt 6 restaurante insa Buon Appetito a fost inchis pe perioada sederii noastre, pentru renovari.
EN: Basically, there are 6 restaurants on the premises, but Buon Appetito was closed for renovation during our stay.
RO: Resortul pune la dispozitie in jur de 700 de camere, raspandite in cladiri care acopera toti cei 75 de acrii (v-am zis ca e o imensitate) de vegetatie luxurianta. Ni s-a parut perfect atat pentru cupluri fara copii cat si pentru familii numeroase si cupluri mai in varsta. Proximitatea de Kata si Karon ii aduce puncte bonus atunci cand vrei sa experimentezi si altceva in afara hotelului si sa te retragi in liniste cat Phuket-ul e mai mult decat poti duce 🙂
EN: The resort offers 700 rooms spread in different buildings covering the 75 acres (told you it’s huge) of luxurious vegetation. We thought it’s perfect for couples with or without children as well as for larger families and older couples. The proximity to Kata and Laron gives it bonus points when you want to experience something more than the hotel grounds and retreat to quiet when Phuket gets to be more than you can handle 🙂
RO: Un singur lucru mai am de mentionat, resortul sufera pe alocuri renovari ce se vor termina, dupa spusele lor, in luna Mai a anului 2020. Ceea ce inseamna ca din cand in cand, e posibil, fara sa fie ceva deranjant, insa, sa auziti zgomote de bormasini si schele.
EN: One more thing I need to mention… the resort is under some renovation work that is going to end, according to their words in May 2020. This means that during this time, you might be disturbed now and then by construction noises and scaffolds.
Denisa says
Minunata postare! Informatii prețioase tare! Imaginiles sunt wow! Ma asteptam sa vad calitatea aceasta de la voi, insa chiar ati reusit sa imi depășiți orice asteptare. Felicitări din toata inima! Keep up the good work! 🤗
Andra says
Hei, iti multumim din suflet, Denisa. inseamna mult pentru noi. :*