RO: Mai are vreun sens sa va spun ca am ramas pur si simplu impresionati de serviciile pe care the Pavilions le pune la dispozitie clientilor lui? Si ca, desi colindam Thailanda in lung si-n lat si stim Phuketul “pe stradute” aici am simtit ca totul se invartea in jurul nostru (in mod evident, nefiind singurii clienti ai resortului 🙂 ) si ca noi am fost, atunci, pe toata durata sederii, cei mai importanti clienti din toate timpurile?
EN: Do I even have to mention that we were utterly impressed by the services the Pavilions offer to their customers? And that, even though we roam around Thailand high and low and we know Phuket by heart, here we felt like everything revolved around us (we were obviously not the only customers of the resort 🙂 ) and that we were then, during our stay the most important guests of all time?
RO: Si daca e ceva ce apreciem pana-nstrafunduri, aceasta este ospitalitatea si modalitatea prin care se descopera solutia de a face fiecare oaspete sa simta ca e singurul, cel mai de seama si cel mai important personaj al lor.
EN: And if there’s something we truly appreciate it’s this hospitality and this manner of discovering the solution to make every guest feel like they’re the only one, the most important person on their estate.
RO: De la Aeroportul International din Phuket (HKT) faci aproximativ 20 de minute cu masina si stii deja povestea: poti opta pentru transport personal sau privat, in functie de preferinte.
EN: From the international airport in Phuket (HKT) it’s a 20-minute drive and you already know the story: you can choose between personal or private transport, depending on your preference.
RO: Cei de la Pavilions se mandresc ca au ocupat cea mai inalta zona a Phuketului si ca de aici privesc semeti spre marea Andaman. Ce sa zicem? De masurat, n-am masurat dar priveliste frumoasa sigur au 🙂 De aici pana la plaja Layan si Parcul National Sirinat esti la doar cateva minute de mers cu shuttle-ul gratuit pe care resortul ti-l pune la dispozitie. Pana-n Patong faci 40 de minute, in timp ce in centrul Phuket-ului, in Phuket Town, ajungi in 45 de minute.
EN: The people at Pavilions proud themselves for being located on the tallest peak of Phuket and from here they gaze grandly over the Andaman sea. What can we say? We haven’t measured it but the view is definitely beautiful. 🙂 From here to the Layan beach and the Sirinat National Park you can easily get in a few minutes with the free shuttle the resort offers. You get to Patong in 40 minutes, while Phuket Town is 45 minutes away
RO: Fiecare din cele 49 de vile este dotata cu piscina proprie si declaram pe proprie raspundere ca atat piscina cat si vila, au fost dintre cele mai mari unde am stat vreodata. (310 mp)
EN: Each of the resorts 49 villas have its own pool and we solemnly swear that both the villa and the pool are some of the biggest we’ve seen so far. (310 square meters)
RO: Resortul pune la dispozitie doua restaurante recomandate in functie de “extra-urile” pe care le primesti si un bar la inaltime ce-ti ofera o panorama de 360 de grade asupra intregii regiuni. Un spa premiat iti sta la discretie pentru cele mai inedite masaje, ai sala de fitness si inclusiv o piscina comuna, aflata langa restaurantul Firefly, despre care vom vorbi in cele ce urmeaza 🙂
EN: The resort offers 2 restaurant recommendations based on the “extras” you get and a sky bar that offers a 360 view over the entire region. An awarded SPA is at your discretion for the most innovative massages, you have a gym and an open pool next to the Firefly restaurant of which will tell you shortly 🙂
RO: Am sarit direct la ce ne intereseaza cel mai mult, vedeti? Lasand gluma la o parte, am facut-o special pentru ca vrem sa va vorbim despre restaurantul Plantation, un tribut adus bucatariei thailandeze (care parca nici nu putea sa fie mai delicioasa), aprovizionat cu ingrediente crescute local, chiar in gradina proprie si acompaniat, daca voiai mai mult de atat, de un apus incredibil. Restaurantul candideaza pentru a obtine o stea Michelin iar noi nu putem decat sa-i uram “succes” ca de meritat merita 🙂
EN: We’re jumping straight to what we’re the most interested, can you tell? All jokes aside, we did it because we want to talk to you about the Plantation restaurant, a tribute to Thai cuisine (it doesn’t get more delicious than this), supplied with local ingredients from their own garden and accompanied, if you needed more, by an incredible sunset. The restaurant is in the run for a Michelin star and we can only wish them good luck because they certainly deserve it. 🙂
RO: Restaurantul Firefly este pentru iubitorii de mancare mediteraneana si thailandeza, langa o piscina care, SUPRIZA, noaptea este luminata in mii de culori mici, asa cum numele o si descrie 🙂 Noi am mancat aici si la pranz si seara si trebuie sa recunoastem ca nu stim pentru care dintre cele doua momente ale zile o recomandam. Tinand cont ca aici se serveste si micul dejun, atunci poti sa alternezi intre Plantation Club si Firefly si sa alegi Plantation cu precadere pentru apus si Firefly la pranz, mai cu seama ca este si langa piscina 🙂
EN: The Firefly restaurant is for the Mediterranean and Thai cuisine lovers, located beside a pool which, SURPRISE, is lighted at night by thousands of tiny colors as the name suggests 🙂 We went there both for lunch and dinner and we have to admit we don’t know for which to recommend it first. Taking into account that they serve breakfast as well, you can alternate between Plantation and Firefly and choose Plantation for the sunset dinner and Firefly for lunch since it’s by the pool 🙂
RO: Daca alegi sa nu iti petreceti sesiunile de bronz in intimitatea vilei, in piscina proprie iata cum arata piscina comuna :
EN: If you choose to sunbathe in public, here’s how the open pool looks like:
RO: Barul 360 este situat in cel mai inalt punct al resortului si este este deschis dupa ora 5pm pana aproape de miezul noptii. Serveste pe langa cocktail-uri semnatura si tapas si un apus desavarsit 🙂
EN: The 360 Bar is situated on the highest peak of the resort and it’s open after 5 pm up until almost midnight. Aside from their signature cocktails they also serve tapas and an exquisite sunset 🙂
RO: Trebuie sa mentionam ca resortul nu pune la dispozitie foarte multe activitati (asta pentru ca e orientat mai mult spre partea de relaxare, fiind alegerea preferata in randul cuplurilor fara copii) asa ca dupa SPA, Fitness sau clase de Yoga ai posibilitatea de a te relaxa la plajele din jur ( Layan sau Bang Tao) sau, de ce nu, te a te intoarce sa te refaci dupa agitatul Patong si agitata lui viata de noapte.
EN: We have to mention that the resort doesn’t offer a lot of activities (that’s because it is focused more on the relaxation part, being the preferred choice of couples without children) therefore, after the SPA, fitness or yoga classes you have the possibility of relaxing on the beaches surrounding the resort (Layan or Bang Tao) or, why not, go back and recover from Patong’s agitated nightlife.
RO: Dimineata te asteapta un “floating brakfast” si poate mai spre pranz iti faci un masaj in vila, ce zici? (cel putin noi asta am procedat 🙂 )
EN: A “floating breakfast” awaits for you in the morning and maybe around noon, you can get a massage in your villa, perhaps? (that’s what we did:) )
RO: Resortul poate fi vizitat si de oaspeti externi iar site-ul oficial iti pune la dispozitie un formular prin care iti poti rezerva o masa pentru o cina romantica. Cu placere 🙂
EN: The resort can be visited by external guests as well and the official website supplies a form for you to make a reservation for a romantic dinner. You’re welcome 🙂
Miha says
Wonderful photos, wonderful sunsets captured.You have just reopened my appetite for thai food by posting those photos with food.
I think it’s a great idea that they accept external guests as I have found in my journeys a lot of beautiful resorts that I would have liked to visit but they were closed to people who were not accomodated there.
Andra says
Hello, Miha, thank you for all your kind words. Yes, i zlso found it very nice that they accept outside guests. I hope other nice resorts will implement that in the near future.