RO: Wellbeing sau … bunastare, in termeni simplisti reprezinta, mai presus de starea de bine, o conexiune intre sanatate fizica, psihica, sociala… O stare de satisfactie, de implinire personala si de vitalitate psihica si nu numai.
EN: Wellbeing simply means, above all else, a state of feeling good, a connexion between physical, mental, and social health… A state of satisfaction, personal accomplishment, physical vitality, and more.
RO: Cine ar fi crezut ca vremurile acestea de izolare sunt un stativ excelent pentru ceea ce Banyan Tree ne-a invatat si cine ar fi zis ca nu va exista moment mai bun ca acesta sa punem in practica tot ceea ce in curs de cateva zile am simtit ca ne incarca si ca ne da o energie senzationala?
EN: Who would’ve thought that these times of isolation are an excellent stand for what Banyan Tree taught us and who would’ve said that there would not be a better time to practice what we had felt as recharging and sensorily energizing for a few days?
RO: De anul trecut, Banyan Tree se mandreste cu 12 vile noi concentrate numai si numai pe partea de wellbeing, sustenabilitate si ritualuri de toate felurile. De la preparatele pregatite special pentru tine in cadrul programului, ritualuri ale somnului, terapii, detox si pana la conexiunea cu natura si chiar detalii cum ar fi felul in care vila este construita, culori, asternuturi, mirosuri si atingeri, toate sunt gandite sa-ti ofere o calatorie a simturilor prin programe create special pentru tine.
EN: Banyan Tree prides itself with 12 new villas since last year, focused only on wellbeing, sustainability, and all kinds of rituals. From special dishes made just for you, sleeping rituals, therapies, detox, and connecting with nature and even details like the way the villa is built, colors, bedsheets, smells, and touches, everything is engineered to offer you a journey of senses through programs created just for you.
RO: Exista 50 de activitati din care poti alege, de la Yoga, exercitii de postura, de respiratie, meditatii prin sunet, stretching sau chiar meditatii pentru un somn mai bun. Toate sunt completate perfect cu experienta celor care te ghideaza sau te asista, adevarati maestrii si profesori.
EN: There are 50 activities to chose, from Yoga, posture exercises, breathing exercises, sound meditation, stretching or even meditations to improve your sleep. All perfectly complemented by the experience of those guiding or assisting you, true masters, and teachers.
RO: Sunt recunoscatoare ca am reusit, in putinul si insuficientul timp pentrecut la ei, sa renunt la preconceptiile legate de meditatie si sa gasesc drumul spre mine, spre cunoastere si spre intelegere, mai usor decat am crezut. Trebuie sa marturisesc ca am avut tot timpul o reticenta in ceea ce priveste meditatia( Yoga a facut si ea parte din aceeasi categorie), reticenta venita, in mod evident, din necunoastere si din frica de cunoastere, in aceeasi masura. Ca un control freak veritabil, nu am indraznit niciodata sa ma las condusa de maini invizibile spre o parte din mine, nedescoperita nici macar de mine insami.
EN: I am grateful I made it, in the short and insufficient time spent with them, to give up preconceptions regarding meditation, and find the way to myself, to knowledge and understanding, easier than I thought. I have to confess I always had a reticence towards meditation (Yoga was also part of this category), and this mainly came from lack of knowledge as well as from fear of knowledge. As a true control freak, I never dared surrender myself to invisible hands guiding me to a part of me I had yet to discover.
RO: Lasand la o parte asta, sa stiti ca va indemnam, macar o data, atunci cand se vor redeschide portii lumii, sa va curatati sufletul la Banyan Tree. Despre prima vizita a noastra puteti citi aici iar despre terapii si felul in care ele decurg, urmariti-ne pe Instagram (am documentat totul in Highlights)
EN: Leaving this aside, we want you to know that we encourage you to, at least once, cleanse your soul at Banyan Tree, once the gates of the world reopen. You can read about our first visit here, and for details regarding the therapies and how they work follow us on Instagram (we documented everything in the Highlights section).
Miha says
Everything looks amazing there. I hope we can go some day.
Andra says
Totally recommend the experience. It was truly special